kitties and creation from me to you...

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bead Soup Blog Party 7!

The big reveal is here and I am showing up fashionably late! This is my first time doing a blog hop/swap of any kind. The Bead Soup Blog Party has been a great experience. It really does force you out of your comfort zone, with fantastic results.

My partner is Dot Lewallen of Speedie Beadie! The first thing I noticed when visiting her blog is that we are both published in 500 Showcase Beaded Jewelry. After digging a little deeper I discovered that Dot makes really cool beaded art dolls and was published in another Lark gallery book showcasing dolls. Since I am a little behind in posting, I have already seen her fabulous BSBP piece. I highly encourage you all to visit her blog.

The soup I received included a Duane Collins' raku focal piece, a copper toggle, various earth-tone seed beads, Czech glass, buttons, and several Swarovski pieces. Scroll back in my blog to see full shots of both her soup and my soup.

In my finished piece I used the focal, the clasp, and a few special striped seed beads that I sorted from the mix. I used chain, seed beads, and a Lepidolite cabochon from my own stash to complete my piece.

I got started by culling my stash for colors that I saw in the raku finish. Mostly coppers, purples, and oranges. When I pulled out my round cabochon, I had my "A-HA" moment. Whatever planet this owl woman lives on, this is her full moon! So I knew I wanted the raku piece to slightly overlap the "moon." With that in mind I still brainstormed for a week or two, thinking of how to pull it together into something wearable. Totally confounded, I just started beading. As I bezel-ed, using the peyote stitch, I wasn't sure if this was going to be a necklace, an armband, a belt, a headpiece... who knows.

I finished beading around the "moon" and laid down the raku piece. There was a lot of space under the raku focal, which didn't seem strong or secure. So I stuffed a bunch of polymer clay under it, making it a flat back with no space. ...And then I learned a very important lesson. YOU CAN'T BAKE FIRELINE! Polymer clay needs to be baked for 30 minutes at 275 degrees. And I did this, essentially vaporizing the thread. Um wow, talk about a bead bummer. Luckily I had some ben & jerry's in the house. It was a moment where all you can do is laugh to keep from crying. Looking back, hindsight is 20/20. OF COURSE you can't bake fireline, but I've always been an experiential learner.

So anywho, that was a doozy! But I think I rose from the ashes of my fireline and created something even more dynamic than my original plan. I was intending on beading the moon and the focal separately, but my little detour forced me to bead around them all at the same time. I think it came out really cool, and I guess I'm grateful for my epic mistake.

Once I finished with the bezel, I used the brick stitch to attach a leather backing. It was at this point when I decided this would be a lovely pendant. I added copper chain fringe and 30 inches of chain for the necklace part.

Now that I am all done, I LOVE my piece! I never, ever would have come up with this design without BSBP, or Dot's soup. Oddly enough, I met Duane Collins (the maker of the raku focal) several years ago when I was working at my mom's shop, The Bead Garden of Sedona. We bought many of his pieces to sell in the store. I always admired the beautiful finishes, but never added any to my stash. These raku pieces have a lot going on and are beautiful on their own. I think this intimidated me, causing inspiration not to strike. Well this time, there wasn't a choice I HAD to use it. I'm thrilled beyond thrilled. Thank you, Dot!

And thank you to our lovely host, Lori Anderson!

Browse the rest of the party here: BSBP7


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, I hope you make it back to see it the finished post! :)

  2. When I saw your soup and your end creation it was totally unexpected. I never could have imagined such a piece. Very original!

  3. absolutely love it! great piece!

  4. Love what you did with the moon. Beautifully executed. Mystical!

    1. Aw thanks! Mystical... I like that word. It does have that feeling. :)

  5. I love how you added the dangles!! That's really clever. Your story is lots of fun to read... now. I can imagine how frustrating that was. I really like how you made it work for your final piece. Great work!

    1. Thank you for visiting! This was my first time using chain as fringe. I really like it, too. :)

  6. Wow! what a stunning piece of jewelry you've created here! great soup!

    1. TY for visiting! I'm glad you like my piece. :)

  7. Such an impressive pendant, great beadwork!

    1. Thank you for visiting! I'm an admirer of your beadwork!

  8. I am impressed by the focal you made! It's perfect.


    1. Thank you for saying so! :) I'm humbled by everyone's nice comments.

  9. WOW! Your beadwork is beautiful and made a the focal stand out. Congratulations on being published.

  10. WOWWWWW1 Love the concept and the skilled artisan who made it happen. Congrats!

    1. Thank you! I'm so happy my idea came across in my beadwork...

  11. I love how you created the focal (and so glad for your honesty in how it came to be...I'm glad I'm not the only one who has those moments! LOL) It's a gorgeous piece!

    1. LOL... yeah those moments are rough, but usually good things, like this, come from them! Thank you for visiting my blog!

  12. ~*NICE!*~ The layout is visually narrative. You created a nice story with your beads! :)

    1. Thank you so much! That's a great compliment to me!

  13. super seed bead beadwork! congratulations!

  14. The Ben & Jerry's comment cracked me up - good to know I'm not the only one who does stuff like that! I love your piece - seed beads terrify me, so people who work with them are amazing to me! Great job!

    1. Thank you for visiting! I try to laugh as much as possible... :D

  15. Great seed beading and love how you combined the pendants for the focal. I had some Vermonster just for the occasion. ;-)

  16. wow!!! your pendant is fabulous. i could look at it for hours

    1. Thank you, that is a great compliment! I'm honored.

  17. Wow that pendant is stunning you did an amazing job!

  18. What an amazing way to design this pendant and great seed beading!

  19. Absolutely gorgeous owl pendant! Love it.

  20. Super super cool, I love the pendant. Owls are my favorite and you did this one great honor. Exceptional piece!

  21. It's like a painting, really cool (and beautiful, of course)!

    1. Wow... what a compliment! Thank you for looking!

  22. Just Brilliant, Stunning, Fabtabulous all rolled up into one amazingly beautiful Necklace...I love it...ty for sharing with us all, bye for now and Happy beading

    1. Thank you for you kind words! I'm so happy my owl is well received.

  23. What a beautiful focal, and I love your seed bead work!

  24. Very creative design! The owl is so cute!

  25. I love how you created the focal...really cool idea. Nicejob.

  26. WOW, that is so cool. Your beadweaving is wonderful!! ~KM

  27. The raku owl is so cool! And what you did with the moon and the owl is totally genius! Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

  28. Love that owl! I enjoyed reading your post. Funny how stuff works out isn't it?

  29. I love your piece. I first saw it on pintrest and pinned it. Then later I went back to read your blog. I loved your blogging style. I know those aha moments and they can have wonderful revelations. Loved it all!!!!'

  30. Beautiful necklace! congratulations!

  31. I'm glad you shared the oopsie, too -- I'm sure that will help people! And I love how you incorporated the two pieces in the focal. LOVELY!

  32. What a wonderful necklace you've made! It's unique and beautiful.

  33. What a wonderful piece! The beading is great and looks lovely with the copper chain!

  34. Great piece - and I will remember your tip about baking fireline!

  35. I laughed when reading your --not at you but with you. What a gorgeous piece you created! Well done!

  36. I adore your owl and moon necklace. It's so unique and just fantastical! Wonderful job.



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